Positive Inquiry™ Summit

In Positive Inquiry (Pi), a summit refers to a large-scale event or gathering where stakeholders collectively envision and create a positive future for the organization or community. Summits are highly participatory and aim to engage a diverse range of perspectives. 

Here are the steps to work toward organizing a summit in Positive Inquiry:

  1. Define the Purpose and Objectives: Clearly articulate the purpose of the summit and the specific objectives you want to achieve. Determine the scope of the summit, whether it will focus on a particular project, department, or the entire organization. Align the purpose and objectives with the overall goals of the organization.

  2. Form a Planning Team: Assemble a team responsible for planning and organizing the summit. This team should represent various stakeholders and have a mix of skills and expertise. Assign roles and responsibilities to team members based on their strengths and interests.

  3. Conduct Background Research: Research to gather relevant information about the organization, its strengths, and past successes. Identify any existing data or reports that can provide insights into the positive aspects of the organization. This research will inform the design and content of the summit.

  4. Design the Summit Structure: Determine the Summit’s format, structure, and activities. Consider whether it will be a one-day event or span multiple days. Incorporate various interactive and participatory activities, such as large group discussions, small group breakout sessions, experiential exercises, storytelling, and creative activities. Design the agenda to maximize engagement, collaboration, and the generation of positive ideas.

  5. Identify Key Stakeholders: The key stakeholders should be invited to the Pi Summit. This includes individuals vested in the organization’s future, such as employees, customers, partners, community members, and other relevant stakeholders. Ensure a diverse representation of perspectives to promote inclusivity.

  6. Plan Logistics: Determine the Summit’s logistics, including the venue, date, and time. Consider factors such as the number of participants, accessibility, and technical requirements for presentations or workshops. Arrange for necessary resources, such as audio-visual equipment, materials, and catering, to support a smooth and successful event.

  7. Develop Communication and Engagement Strategies: Develop a communication plan to inform stakeholders about the summit and generate excitement and anticipation. Utilize various channels, such as email, newsletters, social media, and intranets, to disseminate information and encourage participation. Engage stakeholders early on, involve them in planning, and seek their input and ideas to foster ownership and commitment.

  8. Facilitate the Summit: On the day(s) of the summit, ensure that all logistics are in place and the agenda is followed. Facilitate the sessions using Positive Inquiry principles, focusing on strengths, positive experiences, and collective visioning. Encourage active participation, dialogue, and collaboration among the attendees. Capture key insights, ideas, and commitments generated during the summit.

  9. Follow-up and Implementation: After the summit, compile the findings, ideas, and commitments into a comprehensive report. Share the report with participants and stakeholders to ensure transparency and accountability. Develop an action plan based on the summit’s outcomes, assigning responsibilities, timelines, and resources for implementation. Follow up with stakeholders regularly to track progress and sustain the positive momentum generated during the summit.

By following these steps, you can work toward organizing a successful Summit in Positive Inquiry. It allows stakeholders to come together, collectively envision a positive future, and take concrete steps toward achieving it.

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