Positive Inquiry™ Interviews

In Positive Inquiry (Pi), the traditional approach involves conducting one-to-one interviews as part of the Change Inward phase to gather information and insights from individuals within the organization. These interviews aim to identify the organization’s positive core, strengths, and potential for future development. 

Here are the steps to work toward conducting one-to-one interviews in Positive Inquiry:

  1. Define the Purpose and Scope – Clearly define the purpose and scope of the interviews. Determine the specific focus or topic you want to explore, such as identifying strengths, successful projects, or positive organizational experiences.
  2. Select Interview Participants – Identify the individuals you want to interview. It’s essential to have a diverse group of participants representing various levels, roles, and perspectives within the organization. Consider individuals who can provide valuable insights and contribute to the overall understanding of the organization’s positive aspects.
  3. Develop Interview Questions – Design a set of open-ended questions that encourage participants to reflect on and share positive experiences, successes, and strengths. The questions should be designed to elicit rich and detailed responses, allowing participants to explore their experiences fully. Avoid questions that focus on problems or weaknesses.
  4. Plan the Logistics – Determine logistics such as the interviews’ location, duration, and format. Decide whether the interviews will be conducted face-to-face, via video conferencing, or other suitable means. Schedule the interviews at mutually convenient times and ensure participants have the necessary resources and information beforehand.
  5. Create a Safe and Supportive Environment – Ensure the interview environment is safe, comfortable, and conducive to open conversation. Create an atmosphere of trust and confidentiality, emphasizing that the interviews explore positive experiences and strengths. Encourage participants to express their thoughts and ideas freely without fear of judgment or criticism.
  6. Conduct the Interviews – Conduct the one-to-one interviews with the selected participants. Begin by explaining the purpose of the interviews and the Pi approach. Ask the prepared open-ended questions and actively listen to participants’ responses. Encourage them to provide examples and anecdotes to illustrate their experiences fully. Take notes or record the interviews (with participants’ consent) for reference.
  7. Analyze and Synthesize the Data – Once all the interviews are completed, analyze the data collected. Look for common themes, patterns, and recurring ideas from the participants’ responses. Identify the organization’s positive core and strengths highlighted in the interviews. Document the findings and insights gained from the interviews.
  8. Share and Validate the Findings – Share the findings with the participants and relevant stakeholders. Seek participant validation and input to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the identified strengths and positive aspects. Use this opportunity to engage participants in further discussions and explore the identified strengths.

These steps will help you work toward conducting one-to-one interviews in Positive Inquiry. Remember, these interviews aim to explore the positive aspects of the organization and build upon them to create a better future.

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