RoundMap™ Framework

Introducing RoundMap™, an integral framework for positive organizational development and change.

Are you ready to revolutionize your approach to business management? Look no further than RoundMap™, a cutting-edge framework designed to empower organizations with a holistic perspective, cyclical thinking, and a positive mindset. With RoundMap™, you’ll unleash the true potential of your business and power it with a continuous revenue engine. Let’s explore the three essential viewpoints that make RoundMap™ a game-changer.

  1. Embrace the Whole Picture: RoundMap™ adopts a systems thinking approach, recognizing that your business is more than the sum of its parts. Instead of focusing solely on individual components, our framework encourages you to zoom out and understand the interconnectedness of your organization. Considering how each aspect impacts the whole system, you’ll identify hidden opportunities, enhance collaboration, and make better-informed decisions that drive sustainable success.

  2. Harness the Power of Feedback Loops: In business, it’s crucial to recognize that progress is not linear but cyclical. RoundMap™ integrates cyclical thinking, enabling you to view your business as an ongoing process of growth and improvement. With continuous feedback loops, you’ll gather valuable insights, refine strategies, and adapt to changing market dynamics. By embracing this iterative approach, you’ll stay ahead of the curve, optimize performance, and unlock new levels of innovation.

  3. Fuel Success with Optimism: We believe in the power of positivity to fuel success. RoundMap™ encourages a positive mindset, empowering you and your team to approach challenges as opportunities for growth. By cultivating a culture of optimism, you’ll foster resilience, creativity, and collaboration within your organization. Embracing positive thinking enhances employee satisfaction and attracts customers and partners who resonate with your optimistic brand identity.

But that’s not all! RoundMap™ goes beyond theory and delivers practical tools and methodologies to implement these viewpoints seamlessly into your business operations. From mapping out your entire business ecosystem to optimizing revenue streams, our framework guides you every step of the way.

Join the growing community of forward-thinking organizations that have embraced RoundMap™ and are reaping the rewards of a holistic, cyclical, and positive approach to business. Unleash your organization’s full potential and drive sustainable success with RoundMap™ today!

Contact us now to learn more about how RoundMap™ can transform your business and to schedule a personalized demonstration. Let’s embark on a journey of growth, innovation, and continuous success together.

The image above outlines the RoundMap™ framework, drawn as four concentric circles. Let’s have a closer look at the image, taken from the inside out:

First Level of Truth

In the center, you’ll find the PI Cycle or 4C cycle to maneuver the firm through and past the Transformation Zone. We call it the first level of truth:

  • Change Inward | What is feasible? What gives life? What are our strengths? What are we great at?
  • Change Upward | What is desirable? What is possible, given our potential? What are the opportunities?
  • Change Outward | What is viable? What must we change to capitalize on these opportunities?
  • Change Onward | What is sustainable? Do customers still value our products and services? What if?

Its color is turquoise, representing calmness and clarity. Turquoise stabilizes emotions and increases empathy and compassion. It emits a cool, calming peace, boosts positive mental energy that improves concentration and clarifies our mind, and creates a balance that clears the path to growth.

Second Level of Truth

Around it, we’ve mapped four leading components, corresponding to four leadership roles (create a vision, execute strategy, inspire trust, and coach potential), constituting the second level of truth:

  • Vision | A clear picture of your firm’s future.
  • Strategy | Where to play and how to win (hearts). 
  • Purpose | Bringing your values to life.
  • Mission | Specifics of your day-to-day operation.

Its color, brown, is the color of stability and reliability. Brown is dependable and comforting. A great counselor and a friend full of wisdom. You can count on its help if you need an honest opinion, support, and protection. It stabilizes us, helps us stay grounded, and inspires us to appreciate the simple things in life.

Third Level of Truth

Next, we’ve mapped four managing components around it corresponding to four management functions (planning, organizing, leading, and controlling), representing the third level of truth:

  • Business Plan | Value chain to match the customer’s job-to-be-done (= Business Development).
  • Product Plan | Customer Value Creation (= Product Development).
  • Customer Plan | Customer Value Delivery (= Customer Development).
  • Growth Plan | Customer Value Capture (= Growth Development).

Its color is blue, representing trust and loyalty. Blue has a calming and relaxing effect on our psyche, giving us peace, confidence, and security. It dislikes confrontation and too much attention, but it is an honest, reliable, and responsible color, and you can always count on its support.

Ultimate Level of Truth

Lastly, we’ve mapped four action components on the outer skirts. This is what we refer to as the fourth and Ultimate Level of Truth™:

  • Marketing | Exploring, creating, and delivering value to meet the needs of a target market.
  • Sales | Activities related to selling or the number of goods sold in a targeted period.
  • Customer Service | Assistance and advice provided to customers. 
  • Customer Success | Increasing customer value while using a product or service.

Its color is yellow, representing happiness and optimism. Yellow is a cheerful and energetic color that brings fun and joy to the world. It makes learning more accessible as it affects the logical part of the brain, stimulating mentality and perception. It inspires thought and curiosity and boosts enthusiasm and confidence.

P.A.C.E. Formula

And finally, you’ll notice the components of the P.A.C.E. formula, which paints the overall picture:

  • Positioning | Competitive, customer, product, or value differentiation (also: mental image).
  • Activating | Converting the right kind of customers.
  • Committing | Honoring our promises to live up to the customer’s expectations.
  • Elevating | Use customer feedback and competitive analysis to increase customer value.

To understand the use of the acronym ‘pace,’ we ask you to consider a car’s standard cruise control versus an adaptive one. There is much we can learn from how we cruise through traffic to set the right business pace.

Standard Cruise Control:

  • Fixed Speed: Just like standard cruise control in a car, setting the pace of business growth with a fixed speed means maintaining a consistent and predetermined growth rate over time.
  • Limited Flexibility: Normal cruise control cannot adjust speed in response to external factors or changing market conditions. It operates on a predefined trajectory without considering real-time feedback or emerging opportunities.
  • Potential Rigidity: The fixed speed of standard cruise control may lead to rigidity, inhibiting the ability to adapt quickly to market changes or capitalize on new trends. It can hinder agility and responsiveness in a dynamic business environment.
  • Risk of Stagnation: By maintaining a constant growth rate, standard cruise control may limit the potential for accelerated growth or exploration of new opportunities. It may result in a stagnant or predictable trajectory for the business.

Adaptive Cruise Control:

  • Variable Speed: Adaptive cruise control adjusts the speed based on real-time feedback, traffic conditions, and the surrounding environment. Similarly, setting the pace of business growth with adaptability means being able to adjust the speed of growth in response to market dynamics.
  • Agility and Responsiveness: Adaptive cruise control enables businesses to respond promptly to changes, seize opportunities, and navigate challenges efficiently. It allows for resource allocation, strategic decision-making, and market positioning flexibility.
  • Dynamic Decision-Making: With adaptive growth, businesses can dynamically assess market conditions, customer needs, and emerging trends to make informed decisions and adapt their growth strategies accordingly. This fosters innovation, agility, and the ability to pivot when necessary.
  • Optimal Resource Utilization: Adaptive growth enables businesses to allocate resources optimally based on changing demands, avoiding overinvestment or underutilization. It allows for the efficient allocation of capital, talent, and other resources to drive growth where it matters most.
  • Risk Mitigation: Adaptive cruise control minimizes the risk of overstretching resources or missing out on opportunities by monitoring and adjusting growth in response to external factors. It helps balance growth aspirations with operational realities and sustainability.

In summary, standard cruise control represents a fixed and inflexible approach to setting the pace of business growth. In contrast, adaptive cruise control offers flexibility, responsiveness, and the ability to adapt growth strategies to changing market dynamics. By adopting an adaptive approach, businesses can enhance agility, capitalize on opportunities, mitigate risks, and drive sustainable growth in an ever-changing business landscape.

Ripple Effect

Like throwing a rock in a pond, causing a circular ripple effect that moves from the center outward, the transformation has to start by showing leadership by engaging the whole human system in Positive Inquiry. In the Transformation Zone, firms must shift their priorities and KPIs from reductionists’ efficiencies to constructionists’ potentialities. At the same time, they need to realize that it will take some time for the new opportunities for growth to gain speed.

RoundMap™ as an acronym

While ’roundmap’ is a portmanteau of the words ’roundtrip’ and ‘roadmap,’ one could also consider it an acronym: R for Reaching, O for Offering, U for Understanding, N for Nurturing, D for Delivering, M for Measuring, A for Appreciating and Aspiring, and finally, P for Positioning, Promising, Progressing, and Pivoting.

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